Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Day Cuddles Found Me

This is my baby CUDDLES...

Before I bore you with our love story, I will give a background of my experience with pets first.

When I was still a kid, I grew up with dogs for our pets.  Not a lot, just a couple at a time. I remember we had a German Shepherd and a Doberman. To a small kid, they didn't look like pets at all but guard dogs that were fierce and scary. As I turned into an adult, my dad gave me a German Shepherd named Maka. At that time, there was no internet and I had no clue how to take care of my own dog. In short, she lasted a few months and died. Then I got a fortune lobster, and of course, that too passed away.  I dabbled with a dozen goldfishes and killed them all as well.  A few years ago, a friend gave me African love birds. After a year, they all dropped dead. Every animal and even plants given to me all died. Then, when I visited my Aunt Mavis, I saw she adopted a cat and this cat just had a litter. I thought of getting one but had second thoughts.  By this time, I did not want another responsibility. So I said, nope, never again would I get another pet, most especially a cat...Yikes..shooo..their poop and pee smell sooooooooo bad!!!  Enough is enough. No more emotional ties, no responsibilities. I believed I was never meant to have one.

Whenever a stray cat would attempt to step inside my shop, I would screech and freak out and ask a neighbor to pick it up and bodily remove it. I was worried on what kind of disease or fleas they would be bringing in or that they were sick and would die any moment and I would have to deal with their carcass.  Then my boyfriend mentioned that if he were here, no stray dogs or cats would ever pass by and leave hungry. Now, that made me feel like I was such an evil person.

One day, on May 5, 2011, I was bored and stepped outside my shop.   I found this tiny, thin, dirty looking creature posing as a kitten. She gave me this look as if begging for some food. I remembered what my bf told me about being kind to stray animals and I felt something pull at my heart. I got some biscuits and watched if she will eat it. And she did. I tried to pick her up, amazed that she let me. I inspected her and smelled her. Hmmmm., she smelled okay and didn't seem to have fleas or bugs on her. The neighbor who feeds stray cats saw me feeding this kitten and encouraged me to adopt this one. I said, I will just give her food like they do but I won't take her in.

When I talked to my bf that night, I mentioned about the kitten I fed and my plan to feed her in case she comes back.  He sounded like he did not like the idea. He told me to just adopt it or let it go. What if I kept feeding her and then one day, she stopped dropping by? Won't I wonder what happened to her? He insisted it would be best to keep her indoors and not get run over by passing cars.  Whatever!!! Let's see if she returns.

The next day, I left some food in case she came back. I was so busy working that I didn't check until around 3 pm. I stepped outside the shop and there she was!!! I picked her up and gave her a cold shower under the faucet just to make sure she was clean. Of course I did not know that  I had  to heat water for her. Anyway, I still did not want to adopt her but the bf said he will give financial support for the litter, food and vet bills! That did it and we officially adopted Cuddles. 

I didn't have any idea on how to take care of a cat. This time, I didn't want another death on my hands. So, I researched, researched and researched.  And to the people who personally know me, they know, I can get obsessed with certain things.  I read on what to feed her, brought her to the vets, had her vaccinated, spayed etc etc etc. In short, the works!  I surprised my friends, and even myself that I can get this emotionally attached to a pet, more so a CAT!  Remember, I was not a cat person to begin with. I still DO NOT consider myself a cat person. I'm a Cuddles person. She's special and unique. She's the one who pulled me from the brink of depression.  It was not obvious but in hindsight, I was very unhappy during that time because of a major life altering event.

I know my Cuddles loves me, but she does things on her own terms. She lets me hug and play with her only when and if she wants to.  She sleeps with me and hangs out nearby. She's a totally spoiled indoor, litter box trained cat who acts like a princess and she's the love of my life. (well, aside from the human loves of my life I mean)  I can't imagine life without her.

Looking at her pictures now, I wonder how was it that during that time, I saw only the most beautiful face instead of the tiny, dirty looking, thin cat that she was.  I thank the day she found and chose me to be her forever MOM.

Now, she has me totally wrapped around her paws, claimed my bed and every available space in my place. Everything is hers and I'm just here to share with her